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(pp. 1-11)
Relationship Between Seed Vigor and the Storability of Soybean Seed1
D. B. Egli, G. M. White, and D. M. TeKrony2
Soybean (GIycine max (L.) Merrill) wed must be stored and the quality maintained from harvest in the fall until planting time in the spring. These studies were conducted to evaluate the relationship between laboratory tests of vigor and the storage potential of soybean seed.
The initial standard germination of all lots except one was above 85 % while the initial accelerated aging germination ranged from 33.5 to 95 %. The initial rate of germination (4-day count) was closely related to the standard germination but averaged 5 percentage points lower. The accelerated aging test was most sensitive to deterioration during storage followed by the rate of germination and the standard germination was the Feast sensitive. The accelerated aging test was an excellent predictor of storability and the relationship between the initial accelerated aging germination and deterioration during storage was similar for all cultivars.
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(pp. 12-22)
The Effects of Alternaria brassicicola Infection on Brassica Seed Vigor and Viability1
E. M. Chirco and G. E. Harman2
A thiram seed soak reduced, but did not eliminate, Alternaria brassicicola (Schw.) Wilt. infection and damping-off symptoms from infected Brassica seed lots. It did not improve germination in blotter tests or field emergence but both the thiram and water soak treatments accelerated emergence under controlled conditions and in the field.
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(pp. 23-29)
Use of Length-Width Measurements and Seed Characteristics to Distinguish Cultivars of Poa pratensis L., Kentucky Bluegrass1
E. F. Wiseman and T. Koszykowski2
The continuing introduction of new cultivars of Kentucky bluegrass in the seed market has required new studies to identify seeds of these cultivars through dimensional and topographical characteristics. Length and width measurements, seed characteristics, and drawings are used to describe 21 cultivars in addition to those described in earlier work by Wiseman (3) and Niemyski and Grzelak (1).
Additional index words: Kentucky bluegrass, cultivars, seed characteristics.
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(pp. 30-40)
An Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Accelerated Aging Seed Vigor Test for Soybeans1
Kar-Ling J. Tao2
Two alternative accelerated aging vigor test methods for soybeans were evaluated, namely the large chamber method and the sealed jar method.
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