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(pp. 1-8)
In Vitro Cultur of Embryonic Axes From Arachis Species for Germplasm Recovery
K.B. Dunbar, R.N. Pittman,* and J.B. Morris2
Germination of seeds from Arachis species is low after 20 yr in storage. This study was conducted to develop procedures to recover germplasm from deteriorated seeds. Embryonic axes from deteriorated seed of Arachis species were cultured on a medium containing MS salts, Gamborg's 85 vitamins, 30 g/L sucrose, and solidified with 8 g/L agar.
Additional index words: Germination, peanuts, seed longevity, seed viability.
(pp. 9-21)
Storage Duration and Freeze-Thaw Effects on Germination and Emergence of cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer) Seeds1
S.N. Acharya, E.G. Kokko, and J. Fraser2
'Oxley' cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer L.) seed lots harvested from a Lethbridge, Alberta nursery and stored in an uncontrolled room were used to study the effect of storage duration on hard seed content, germination, and indoor and field emergence. Seeds harvested in 1977 and 1981 to 1991 were also used to study the effect of repeated freeze-thaw treatments on the above traits. Hard seed content fell significantly with increasing age of seed lot and was accompanied by an increase in seed germination and emergence.
Additional index words: Hard seed, Scarification, Seedling vigor, Strophiole.
Proceedings of the
held at the
83rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Official Seed Analysts
70th Annual Meeting of the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists
Fort Collins, Colorado June 13,1993
Loren E. Wiesner Coordinator
Loren E. Wiesner and Eric E. Roos Presiding
(pp. 24-40)
Early History of NSSL and Contributions of Edwin James and Louis N. Bass
Eric E. Roos1
The National Seed Storage Laboratory (NSSL) opened for business in September of 1958 with the long-term mission of preserving the seed germplasm of those crops important to U.S. agriculture. The NSSL concept was a direct result of World War II, when it became apparent that germplasm may no longer be available, particularly from many foreign countries.
(pp. 41-53)
Predicting the Optimum Storage Conditions for Seeds Using Thermodynamic Principles
Christina W. Vertucci1
Determination of the optimum moisture content for seed storage is difficult because deterioration is very slow at conditions close to the optimum. We have used thermodynamic principles to relate water phase behavior with different mechanisms of seed deterioration. We conclude that the optimum moisture level for storage represents a compromise between slowing aging reactions and preventing lethal ice formation by drying, and retaining the structural integrity of cellular constituents by supplying sufficient structural water.
Additional index words: Seed storage, seed aging, seed longevity, bound water, calorimetry, glass, vitrification, recalcitrant, freezing injury, desiccation damage, water content, ultradry
Abbreviations: dw, dry weight; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance, IR, infrared; ESR, electron spin resonance; TSDC, thermally stimulated direct current; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; DTA, differential thermal analysis; DMA, dynamic mechanical analysis
(pp. 54-64)
Imaging Techniques to Enhance the Preservation and Utilization of Seed Germplasm
M. Scott Howarth and Phillip C. Stanwood1
Several image processing techniques are being developed at the National Seed Storage Laboratory to enhance the preservation and utilization of seed germplasm. Two projects investigate the potential of this technology in controlling and providing additional information in germination testing, seedling growth rate analysis and tetrazolium testing.
Additional index words: machine vision, seed vigor, tetrazolium testing seed characteristics, slant board.
(pp. 65-78)
Plant Germplasm Viability: Biochemical Insights and Noninvasive Assessments1
Sharon Sowa2
Biochemical research has been conducted at the National Seed Storage Laboratory to examine parameters important to plant germplasm viability. Emphasis was placed on the key respiratory enzyme cytochrome c oxidase. Studies using effector molecules to probe Phaseolus respiration on a variety of physiological levels (whole seed to isolated enzyme) showed a direct correlation between rate of respiration and vigor, and implicated oxidase in loss of vigor/viability.
Additional index words: Respiration, cytochrome c oxidase, vigor, storage, infrared spectroscopy, FTIR, seeds, pollen, suspension cultured cells
(pp. 79-90)
Long-Term Preservation of Clonal Germplasm: Advances and Concerns
L.E. Towill1
Numerous crops are maintained as clones in field, greenhouse or in vitro plant culture. Long-term germplasm conservation for these species is needed and may be accomplished by cryogenic preservation of seeds, pollen, and shoot tips or buds. Seed and pollen can be used to preserve genetic diversity of the crop. These two propagules from many clonal species are desiccation tolerant and survive low temperature exposure. Thus, methods already exist to apply longterm storage to certain crops. Cryopreservation of shoot tips or buds is needed for long-term conservation of the clone.
Additional index words: germplasm preservation, cryopreservation, pollen, shoot tip, vitrification, clones.
Proceedings of the
held at the
83rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Official Seed Analysts
70th Annual Meeting of the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists
Fort Collins, Colorado June 13, 1993
Jan M. Ferguson Coordinator
Richard L. Sayers Presiding
(pp. 92-100)
The History of Seed Vigor Testing1
Miller B. McDonald2
Seed vigor testing has emerged as a routine method to test seeds for field performance capability. This development can be traced to deficiencies in the philosophy of the purpose of a standard germination test. Early terms included "driving force" and "germination energy" of seedlings to capture the concept ot seed vigor. Yet, no organized approach to defining seed vigor or developing seed vigor tests was given until the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) formed the first Biochemical and Seedling Vigor Committee in 1950. The Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) established a Vigor Test Committee in 1961. Both committees
Additional index words: seed germination, seed quality, seed deterioration,
seed technology, field emergence.
(pp. 101-104)
AOSA Perspective of Seed Vigor Testing
J.M. Ferguson1
Seed vigor tests have become a routine quality assessment tool for much of the seed industry. The Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) has been actively involved in developing procedures for many of the vigor tests used today. An earlier presentation discussed the history of vigor testing and the numerous contributions of the AOSA Seed Vigor Subcommittee. Other presentations will discuss procedures for certain tests and will relate the views of industry and international trade on vigor testing. It is my challenge to examine the AOSA perspective of vigor testing and to discuss not only the current trends in using these tests, but also to take a close look at why vigor tests are important, how they are used, and the future of vigor testing.
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(pp. 105-109)
The ISTA Perspective of Seed Vigor Testing
J.G. Hampton1
The 1950 International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Congress in Washington D.C. saw vigorous debate and discussion about discrepancies in germination test results between European and American laboratories (the so-called "commercial" versus "agricultural" concepts of seed testing). It was also the meeting at which ISTA became officially involved
with seed vigor.
It took twenty-seven years for the Vigor Test Committee to agree on a definition of seed vigor, i.e. "...the sum total of those properties of the seed which determine the level of activity and performance of the seed or seed lot during germination and seedling emergence." This broadly based definition was adopted by the 1977 ISTA Congress.
The ISTA Rules for Seed Testing do not yet include vigor testing methods, although suggested procedures have been published in the ISTA Handbook of Vigor Test Methods, the first edition of which appeared in 1981 and the second in 1987.
(pp. 110-120)
Accelerated Aging Test
Dennis M. TeKrony1
The accelerated aging (AA) test utilizes the environmental factors commonly associated with seed deterioration, namely storage temperature and relative humidity. A single layer of seed is placed on a screen tray which is inserted into an inner chamber (plastic box) containing a small volume (40 ml) of water (Figure 1). The inner chamber is then placed into an accelerated aging (outer) chamber and aged at high temperatures (41 to 45°C) for a specific period of time (i.e., 72 h). During the aging period the seeds take up water from the humid environment within the inner chamber and are stressed at high temperatures and seed moisture. High vigor seed deteriorate slower than low vigor seed and seed lots can be separated into various vigor levels.
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(pp. 121-126)
Commercial Vigor Testing
Alan Galbreth1
This morning I'd like to direct my comments about commercial vigor testing to the realities of running a commercial vigor testing lab. Other speakers have addressed very well the specifics of performing particular vigor tests, but I would like to concentrate on the day-to-day operations of running a commercial lab and the task of interpreting the results we provide for seedsmen. I'll be discussing corn and soybeans
lndiana Crop lmprovement Association (ICIA) began corn cold testing in 1957 on Foundation seed lots. We ran cold tests on soybeans for the first time in 1966. In the early 1970's we further expanded our vigor testing program. The program had three core tests: cold tests, accelerated aging, tetrazolium. Our program today is still centered on these three tests though some of the procedures have been modified over time. This past season we ran 15,000 cold tests, 2000 accelerated aging tests, and 1000 tetrazolium tests.
(pp. 127-133)
Industry Perspective of Vigor Testing
Dennis A. Berkey1
A great deal of research has gone into investigating seed vigor and vigor test methods. The Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA), through the Seed Vigor Test Committee, published an excellent guideline, "Seed Vigor Testing Handbook (1992). This handbook has proved to be an excellent guide to understanding vigor. The handbook also is an excellent starting point for setting up vigor test methods and can be said to be a way to standardize testing methods.
While initial publication of the Seed Vigor Testing Handbook in 1983 was being hailed as a success in the public sector, it was viewed as another potential set of regulations and labeling requirements to the seed industry. In response to publication of the Handbook, the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) published a position paper recommending that vigor test results be used for in-house information only and not for any other purposes such as labeling or advertisement.
Seed companies use vigor tests, but the methods are not necessarily the same as described in the Handbook. This makes it difficult to compare results between public and private laboratories or even between private laboratories. There appears to be a desire on the part of some individuals to force the standardization of vigor testing methods and labeling of vigor results. This movement has led to some challenging situations. The challenge is more of a dilemma for the seed industry.